Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
Got a burning issue you would like to blog about? Then we would love to hear from you. Contact our communications team.
Read on and join in the chat...
COVID-19 – An opportunity to connect with time
Elaine Hamilton, Service Manager at Nether Johnstone House describes how lockdown due to the current emergency health crisis has changed the thinking, outlooks,…
COVID 19: When adapting our work, we all learn from listening to children and young people
Jacqui Dunbar is the Project Lead at Our Hearings, Our Voice, an independent board for children and young people who have experience of the Children’s Hearings…
Maintaining Momentum - upping the pace of change for Children’s Hearings in Scotland
Elaine Adams, Learning and Development Lead at Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership, writes about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Children’s…
Listening to what families need and want is how we will all thrive
CELCIS's Claire Burns writes for Holyrood Magazine's latest special feature on Kirsty, the Holyrood Baby, who is now four years old.
Realising children’s rights to justice and care
Bairnshoose Policy and Practice Lead Anna O'Reilly reflects on how far we've come towards securing a Scottish Bairnshoose, and what must still be done to give…
The Care Experienced Student Bursary – helping to change lives in East Renfrewshire
How the Care Experienced Bursary is making a difference in the lives of care experienced young people.
Beyond Reimagining
Claire Burns, Deputy Executive Director, CELCIS, sets out what it will take to make change happen as she writes on Care Day 2020, reaffirming our commitment to…
WAC ensemble member Chloe talks about Whatever Happened to the Jaggy Nettles?
First published by Citizens Theatre, 30 January 2020.
Considered but timely decision making is vital for children
Stephen Small explains how the voluntary adoption and fostering agency has worked with West Lothian Council to deliver a concurrent planning model to achieve…
On a journey with the Welsh Child Practice Review Framework
Barbara shares the learning that she gained throughout designing, applying and adapting the model in Wales, England and Jersey, and how this has helped her to…