Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 3


In this special history issue, we begin with Professor Roy Parker’s last article, published posthumously. We include an obituary of him. This issue also features: a review of history of child and youth care from North American; two articles on the development of child welfare systems in the nineteenth century; and a paper on findings of research with survivors of historic abuse.



Professor Roy Parker, 1931 – 2017

5e6fbe7009b756f60c006b70abea66f0_f2294.jpg“The article, Early Economic Threads in the History of Children’s Homes, included in this issue of SJRCC is Roy Parker’s last publication, written when he knew he probably had only a few weeks to live. He told me that he found it helpful to have a project and something to think about other than his illness.”

Professor Sonia Jackson, Institute of Education, University College London

(Extract from her obituary of Roy, included in this issue).



Title Authors
Editorial Alan Macquarrie

Peer reviewed articles


Commentary, reflections and other articles

Book reviews