Children are disadvantaged when their parents are not socially well connected 

A new report by The Prince's Trust examines the evidence

27 July 2016

The report talks about a 'social bank of mum and dad', not something that's available to all children but is considered to be just as important as financial support. 

Our most disadvantaged children fall behind when it comes to education and jobs and the class divide widens when they don't have access to family social connections.

'All too often young people are locked out of jobs and other opportunities simply because of where they’ve started in life' - Martina Milburn, Chief Executive, The Prince’s Trust

The absence of family support while growing up can lead to children having negative self-confidence and poor employment prospects for later life. They are less able to cope with their problems, are more likely to feel 'destined to fail' and are more likely to be unemployed.