Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..

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A happy toddler

‘You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children’

On World Book Day UK, Kirsty Hill, Regional Director at the Dollywood Foundation UK, discusses why reading for pleasure is crucial for children’s futures.

04 March 2021
A child lying on a bed, reading a book

Our Stories Matter: Telling Truths and Countering Stereotypes this World Book Day

This World Book Day UK, Callen James Martin, a writer and Submissions Coordinator at The Good Literacy Agency, discusses why it’s important for care experienced…

04 March 2021

My journey from care leaver to author

On World Book Day UK, Kirsty Capes, author of the upcoming novel, ‘Careless’, and marketer at HarperCollins, discusses how her childhood experience in care led…

04 March 2021

More than a promise: the imperative to make change happen

Claire Burns, Director (Acting), CELCIS – Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection, marks the first anniversary of The Promise.

05 February 2021
A parent reading to their young daughter

How Life Story Work can help care experienced children

In National Storytelling Week, Jennifer Bell, a social worker in a fostering team at North Ayrshire Council, with a special interest in Life Story Work,…

04 February 2021
A teenager doing her homework

Digital inclusion as a right leaves me hopeful

Olivia Khan is a Rural Business graduate who worked at the Champions Board in South Ayrshire before moving to Berlin. Olivia stays connected to her care roots…

28 January 2021

If you think poverty doesn’t affect you, you are part of the problem

Claire Burns, Director (Acting), CELCIS – Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection discusses how COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities in…

18 December 2020
An image from the video

Children 'get animated' in lockdown

Nikki Hepburn, Art teacher at Harmeny Education Trust, is a residential school providing care and education to children aged 5-14 who have experienced early…

24 November 2020
Advocacy fro children and young people

The national Children’s Hearings advocacy service

The introduction of the advocacy service is an important additional support. It’s already the case that hearings must consider views of children and young…

23 November 2020
A parent reading with their child

Therapeutic Parenting in adoption

For Adoption Week Scotland this year, Fiona Aitken, Director of Adoption UK Scotland, looks at why therapeutic parenting is so important for children who have…

19 November 2020