Learning and events
We support ongoing learning and the exchange of knowledge and good practice in a wide range of ways and offer an excellent programme of seminars, conferences and events throughout the year.
CELCIS and sector events

A CELCIS Emerging Insights Webinar: Children’s Services Reform Research: Improving transitions for care experienced young people
Online, Microsoft TeamsCourses
Caring for Children Moving Alone: Protecting Unaccompanied and Separated Children
Previous events
Recorded webinars from the CELCIS Emerging Insights Series
The CELCIS Emerging Insights Series is a series of recorded webinars in which leaders from the sector share insight, evidence and perspectives about the current critical issues, risks, challenges and learning in child protection.
Watch the Emerging Insights webinars here
CELCIS Webinars – Recordings
CELCIS regularly produces online webinars which discuss many topics concerning the care and protection of children and young people and reflect practice and policy in Scotland and beyond. We have free, captioned recordings of these events that can be downloaded and watched online.
Watch the CELCIS webinar recordings here
SIRCC 2022 Online
The two day event focused on the importance of creating the scaffolding for the workforce in realising The Promise. Together, we explored how this can be achieved in the everyday when caring for children and young people.
Visit the SIRCC 2022 resources here
SIRCC 2021 Online
The two day SIRCC 2021 online event focused on 'the workforce', and you will find here views from a wide range of young people, practitioners, managers, and others who have views about how the workforce can deliver The Promise in residential child care, what makes a great residential care manager and interviews with authors who have written articles for the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care.
visit the SIRCC 2021 conference page here
SIRCC 2020 Online
Take a look at all the content from the first online SIRCC, bringing together everyone with an interest in residential child care in Scotland.
Watch the SIRCC 2020 Online content here
Education Conference 2019 highlights
All the highlights and presentations from the conference which focused on positive educational journeys for children and young people with care experience.
Watch the Education Conference highlights here
SCLC Conference 2019 highlights
A focused look at home, connection and felt security from the Scottish Care Leavers’ Covenant Conference.
Watch the SCLC Conference highlights here
CELCIS Annual Lecture 2019
Watch the recording and presentation from Professor Robbie Gilligan‘s guest lecture on ‘Powering up the potential of care experienced young people: the role of education, work and adult expectations’.
Watch Professor Gilligan's lecture here