Corporate parenting: what it's all about
A responsibility to improve the futures of looked after children and young people
Part 9 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 outlines a range of duties for corporate parents across Scotland. These duties aim to ensure the attention and resources of corporate parents are focused on the task of safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of Scotland's looked after children and care leavers.
The duties came into effect on 1 April 2015. This means corporate parents should listen to the needs, fears and wishes of children and young people, and be proactive and determined in their collective efforts to address these.
CELCIS is here to support corporate parents. On this page you’ll find briefings and guidance to understand your statutory duties, and you can browse our suggested essential reading to find out more about the idea of corporate parenting.

What is corporate parenting?
Our Inform briefing will help you understand corporate parenting; it examines and explains each section of Part 9, and highlights the practical implications of the legislative provisions.
Read Inform
Statutory Guidance on corporate parenting
This guidance provides corporate parents with the necessary guidance, information and advice on how they should fulfil the duties set out in Part 9 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Read the Statutory GuidanceUseful resources
Browse these useful resources to find out more about corporate parenting:
- These Are Our Bairns – A pivotal and practical guide for community planning partners about being a good corporate parent.
- We Can And Must Do Better – Arguably the report which brought corporate parenting back to the fore in Scotland, emphasising the need for joined up thinking and working to improve outcomes for looked after children.
- Getting It Right For Every Child - Information on the national approach to improving outcomes through public services that support the wellbeing of children and young people.
- Wellbeing and SHANARRI – Professionals and practitioners use eight indicators to assess a child or young person's overall wellbeing. An important tool for corporate parents to understand as it offers a consistent approach that can be used across organisations and geographical boundaries.
- Taking It To The Next Level – A series of short animations form the National Children's Bureau focusing on the impact of aspects of corporate parenting on children and young people.
- Corporate Parenting for young people in care – making a difference? – A report on the findings of corporate parenting in English local authorities, shaped by care experienced young people.
Further information
- Who Cares? Scotland delivers training on corporate parenting
- The Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum provide a range of information and relevant events
- Scottish Government's site has additional information about corporate parenting
Looking for support?
We offer a range of tailored support to public bodies to help them meet the new duties and responsibilities in the Act.
Get in touch with our policy team; they'll be delighted to hear from you.
Scottish Care Leavers Covenant
Calling all corporate parents. Give care leavers the brighter and better future they deserve.