Recognition of Prior Learning and Looked After Young People

Year: 2015
Topic: Education
Author: CELCIS and Education Scotland

Research pilot of Recognition of Prior Learning

CELCIS was commissioned by Education Scotland to undertake a research pilot to determine whether Recognising Prior Learning (RPL) profiling could be used to recognise the wider achievements of young people who have been looked after by a local authority.

RPL is a profiling process, which can be used to benchmark skills developed in informal settings against academic qualifications

Main findings

The benefits of RPL profiling for many of the young people included:

  • Engagement with process
  • Increased skills awareness
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Feelings of being nurtured
  • Recognition of skills
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased motivation and ambition

Professionals within children’s services undertook RPL advisor training. They learned to benchmark experiences and skills gained in the wider community with the equivalent SCQF level and Curriculum for Excellence ‘experiences and outcomes’, and went on to carry out profiling with young people.

We were commissioned by Education Scotland to carry out this research pilot.