15 August 2016

Report finds children in care are six times more likely to be cautioned or convicted of a crime in England and Wales

A report published by the Prison Reform Trust aims to reduce the number of looked after or care experienced young people ending up in custody.

Around half of all children currently in custody in England and Wales have been in care, and those in care are six times more likely to be cautioned or convicted.

The report encourages partnership working and sharing good practice and gives examples of just what is being achieved in some areas. It also sets out the action needed to give children in care the protection they need.

Recommendations in the report, chaired by Lord Laming include:

  • the need for strong and determined leadership at local and national level
  • early support for children and families at risk
  • good parenting by the state
  • responding to looked after children in minority groups
  • prevention diversion and rehabilitation
  • supporting young people leaving care

The year-long inquiry took evidence from organisations, individuals, and young people.