17 March 2017

Children's Hearing Scotland – Feedback Loop report 2014/15

Children's Hearing Scotland has published its first Feedback Loop report. The report comprises a national overview and breakdown of the numbers and nature of Compulsory Service Orders in relation to children, and also includes a breadown of data from 32 local authorities.

The feedback loop is a legislative requirement under section 181 of the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011. It requires the National Convener to report on the implementation of Compulsory Supervision Orders (CSOs) by local authorities within their area and nationally. This report presents information about the numbers and nature of CSOs nationally from 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2015.

There were 13,977 children subject to CSOs, nationally, within the reporting period. Of these children, 46.6% of the children were female and 53.4% were male.