08 December 2015

Final draft guidance published for Children and Young People Act 

This guidance helps local authorities and children’s services support children and families. Published by Scottish Government, it introduces key elements of the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) approach. This Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 and 18 (section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 includes an outline of changes to the original consultation version.

The guidance will help organisations deliver key parts of the Act:

  • Children and young people will have access to a Named Person service – a single point of contact for help, support and advice for families and those working with children if they need it
  • Children and young people who need extra support which is not generally available will have a Child’s Plan
  • Children, young people and families can expect services to work together to provide support and help
  • Describing wellbeing in legislation for the first time to help make sure everyone uses the same terminology and approach

The final version will be published in spring 2016 after secondary legislation has been approved by parliament.

Read the guidance on Scottish Government's website:

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