27 January 2025

Progress report on ministerial Corporate Parenting in Scotland

On 23 January, the Scottish Government published its third corporate parenting report outlining how Scottish Ministers delivered their responsibilities and duties as corporate parents from 2021-2024 to support and improve outcomes for children and young people with care experience.

The report was set before the Scottish Parliament as part of the government’s duties under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

The report also sets out nine further key actions the Scottish Government intends to take from 2024-2027. This work will be aligned with the government’s Promise Implementation Plan and The Promise Scotland’s Plan 24-30 to make progress on addressing the conclusions of Scotland’s Independent Care Review and meeting the aspirations of The Promise.

  1. Deliver a package of consultation work by December 2024
  2. The Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise will chair a partnership group to support the delivery of topics for change
  3. Working with The Promise Scotland to lead a Quality Improvement Programme
  4. Developing and promoting support for foster carers
  5. Supporting progress with work across public protection areas
  6. Working collaboratively to evaluate how National Care Service benefits, and system developments, can be offered consistently across Scotland
  7. Refreshing the core framework of knowledge and values required of those who support children and families
  8. Delivering a rights and relationship-based practice and trauma informed training for the children and family’s workforce, and
  9. Introducing the national Promise Progress Framework.

Read the report