National Child Protection Systems Review

All children should be safe from abuse and harm. We know people protect children, but we also know that the processes and systems for keeping children safe is a very complicated business, which requires positive, collaborative working and shared ambitions for the protection of vulnerable children.

We have supported the Scottish Government's delivery of an independent National Child Protection Systems Review. The review examined existing structures, systems and inter-agency processes where professionals work together to protect those children who are at risk of significant harm.

This review built on what we already know works well. It sought to clarify and strengthen the steps which need to be taken when children have experienced, or are at risk from, harm. The Review and recommendations were presented at the Scottish Parliament and accepted by the Scottish Government in March 2017.

The Review covered three areas:

  • The role and function of Child Protection Committees
  • The use of Child Protection Registers and case conferences
  • Significant and Initial Case Reviews

Governance Group

The Review was guided and governed by a group made up of key strategic stakeholders across relevant sectors. Membership of the group include social work, health, education and the police, plus representation from national bodies such as Scottish Children's Reporter Administration, Children's Hearing System and the third sector.

Looking for more information?

Read the Child Protection Systems Review

Contact Ruth Sills for more information