Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..

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A child holding a leaf

Legal opinion: We can do our bit to cut down drift in permanence planning

Jennifer McKearney, of Aberdeenshire’s legal and governance department explains how PACE has cut drift and delay in their decision making

29 November 2016
Adoption: dispelling the myths and realising the reality

Adoption: dispelling the myths and realising the reality

The rewards of adopting can far outweigh any barriers

21 November 2016
A family helping each other across a river on stepping stones

Knowing what we need to know, when we need to know it

Diana Beveridge of Scottish Government explains why improving permanence by reading the data works.

18 November 2016
Peer support is empowering social workers in East Renfrewshire

Peer support is empowering social workers in East Renfrewshire

How social workers sharing ideas has been inspirational for their learning and practice.

15 November 2016
Are you ready to pick up the PACE?

Are you ready to pick up the PACE?

Getting ready to start on the PACE journey.

08 November 2016
A father and child playing at home

A Passion for Permanence

Why permanence matters for looked after children, and why we must share our passion to improve.

01 November 2016
A young girl hugging a parent

The power of caring relationships

Kenny McGhee responds to the recent STV 'Who Cares' programme by exploring the need for genuine and caring relationships and removing barriers for looked after…

29 September 2016
A teacher helping a pupil at school

The attainment gap - a look behind the stats

Linda O'Neill tells the story behind the recent education statistics.

07 July 2016
A college student

Staying Put and Continuing Care won’t implement themselves

Kenny McGhee talks about his research into implementing Staying Put for care leavers.

10 June 2016
A teenager looking out of a bus window

Latest stats on children in care prompts some interesting questions

Ben Farrugia raises some interesting questions. Some of these stats don't ring true. Why?

20 May 2016