Unconscious bias in the interview room
Joe Rankin of the Nevis Group talks about whether young people should tell future employers that they're care experienced. With video of James Calder.

Telling Stories
The representation of care experienced people in literature, film and storytelling.

How do you solve a problem like… stigma?
Daniel Busso of the Frameworks Institute writes about how stigma could be changed.

Going back to the Greeks: know thyself by stepping out of yourself
Fouzi Mathey Kikadidi explores how ignorance and labelling affects children and communities in France, arguing that empathy is essential in order to prevent stigma

It’s okay to not be okay
Laura Sharpe from See Me to talks about the results of a survey looking at the mental health of young people in Scotland.

"I just want to be normal": looked after young people's experiences of feeling different
Professor Julie Selwyn, from the University of Bristol, and Dr Claire Baker from Corum Voice talk about the Bright Spots programme looking at young people's wellbeing.

Caring about care means being ready to change
John Ryan reflects on the fight to continue to do best by Scotland’s children.

Care experience at Christmas
In this blog post, Alastair Redpath, Co-Chair of the Independent Care Review’s Stigma Work Group, considers why Christmas might not be all joy and cheer for everyone but sees hope for change.