Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
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Holding / Holding on: Experiencing care in contemporary Scotland
Ahead of the screening of Holding / Holding On, part of a project investigating the impact that the arts can make within a care context across Scotland, we…
Finding the confidence to be creative
Ahead of 'Voice & Vision', a celebration of the creative work of young people with care experience, Laura Graham, Senior Evidence and Influencing Officer,…
The power of love and support in extraordinary times
As we celebrate Foster Care Fortnight 2021, I want to say a huge thank you to the fostering community across Scotland. In spite of the huge challenges that the…
Changing Landscape of Kinship Care in Scotland
Traditionally, kinship care has been viewed as a cheaper option secondary to fostering and adoption in terms of allowances, support and a lack of standardised…
The cost of the implementation gap for young people
Megan Sutherland is Vice Chair of Who Cares? Scotland. She recently moved home and found it wasn’t easy to register as exempt from paying Council Tax as a care…
‘You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children’
On World Book Day UK, Kirsty Hill, Regional Director at the Dollywood Foundation UK, discusses why reading for pleasure is crucial for children’s futures.
Our Stories Matter: Telling Truths and Countering Stereotypes this World Book Day
This World Book Day UK, Callen James Martin, a writer and Submissions Coordinator at The Good Literacy Agency, discusses why it’s important for care experienced…
My journey from care leaver to author
On World Book Day UK, Kirsty Capes, author of the upcoming novel, ‘Careless’, and marketer at HarperCollins, discusses how her childhood experience in care led…
More than a promise: the imperative to make change happen
Claire Burns, Director (Acting), CELCIS – Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection, marks the first anniversary of The Promise.
How Life Story Work can help care experienced children
In National Storytelling Week, Jennifer Bell, a social worker in a fostering team at North Ayrshire Council, with a special interest in Life Story Work,…