Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
Got a burning issue you would like to blog about? Then we would love to hear from you. Contact our communications team.
Read on and join in the chat...
Commitment, like love, is not enough
Gordon Main talks about how commitment in the care system is not enough.
What's the harm?
The difficult issue of self-harm in residential care, exploring the experiences of young people and the support workers need to help.
It’s not just about the adults!
The importance for children in residential care to develop the ability to navigate friendships with each other.
Seen, heard and chicken check ins
How the Seen + Heard project in Fife informs developments in policy and practice, and engages Corporate Parents.
Change is coming
Change is coming in the inspection of how well corporate parents are meeting their responsibilities in improving the lives of care experienced children and…
CHAMPS is changing lives
Maryellen Fegan chairs the Highland Champions (CHAMPS) Board. In this blog she describes what she believes it has achieved.
Eat, sleep, CELCIS, repeat
Stephanie is a Modern Apprentice at CELCIS, and here she talks about landing her first ‘real’ job at only 16.
Taking collective responsibility
Lizzie Morton introduces the corporate parenting issue of Reach and talks about the big things happening for looked after children and young people.
You live and you learn
Amanda Lawler explains why CELCIS really cares about training and learning.
A fair financial deal for care experienced students
How the Student Support Review Group is trying to ensure care experienced students have a fair standard of living.