Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..

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A teacher helping a pupil at school

The attainment gap - a look behind the stats

Linda O'Neill tells the story behind the recent education statistics.

07 July 2016
A college student

Staying Put and Continuing Care won’t implement themselves

Kenny McGhee talks about his research into implementing Staying Put for care leavers.

10 June 2016
A teenager looking out of a bus window

Latest stats on children in care prompts some interesting questions

Ben Farrugia raises some interesting questions. Some of these stats don't ring true. Why?

20 May 2016

Scottish Care Leavers Covenant - the story so far

Kenny McGhee reflects on the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant, six months after the launch.

18 May 2016
Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Alison Hennessey talks about how CELCIS uses of improvement methodology with local authorities to make school life better for looked after children.

21 April 2016
Full bursaries for care experienced students is welcome but will not give them more money while studying

Full bursaries for care experienced students is welcome but will not give them more money while studying

Graham Connelly discusses the report of the Commission on Widening Access and questions what it actually means for students.

08 April 2016
A young girl playing in a playground

We want the best for our children

Lizzie Morton blogs on how Corporate Parents are taking ownership of their new duties.

01 April 2016
Hands held comfortingly

So what’s all the fuss about implementation?

Melissa Van Dyke speaks about implementing change and the science behind it.

24 March 2016
A still from the MOOC, caring for vulnerable children

Celebrating our MOOC Success

Ainsley Hainey blogs about the success of the Massive Open Online Course on Caring for Vulnerable Children.

21 March 2016
A music teacher taking a lesson

The voice of children

A blog by Linda O'Neill discussing what children had to say in the recent Rees Centre report

21 December 2015