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Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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We have found 29 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.
SIRCC 2020 Online | Being the lighthouse
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Residential care, SIRCC | Author: Louise Wallwein
Five short clips From Louise Wallwein's keynote at SIRCC 2019 have been extracted to support reflection individually and/or discussion by the…
SIRCC 2020 Online | Reflections on COVID-19
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Residential care, SIRCC | Author: CELCIS
We've pulled together examples from across the CELCIS website of the extraordinary ordinary in residential child care during the public healt…
Scotland - Jersey Participation Project
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author:
Information from a recent Scottish delegation of care experienced adults who travelled to Jersey to work alongside their counterparts.
Principles of Good Transitions - improving post-school transitions
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Scottish Transitions Forum, ARC Scotland
Providing clear guidance to improve the quality of care and support for young people with additional support needs who are making the transit…
Inspired Youth - The One Percent
Year: 2018 | Topic:
REACH, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Inspired Youth
The powerful voices of care experienced young people in this film explore the journey from care to independence through a character they crea…
Stigma in Childhood
Year: 2018 | Topic:
REACH, Stigma | Author: SUII
The Scottish Universities Insight Institute programme addressed the unique issues for children who experience stigma, as well as common issue…
Integrated Children’s Services in Scotland
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Local authority | Author: Social Work Scotland
An assessment of progress and improvement in integrated children's services, published by Social Work Scotland, and a literature review.
Education Forum - November 2017
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Education | Author: CELCIS
Notes and presentation from the November 2017 Education Forum meeting.
Gathering PACE 2017
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Adoption, Children's hearings system, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Local authority, Looked after at home, Permanence | Author: CELCIS
At our annual Gathering PACE (Permanence and Care Excellence) event on 16 November, we welcomed over 120 delegates from across Scotland. Gat…
Tried and tested: Local changes in the Permanence and Care Excellence (PACE) programme
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Local authority, Permanence | Author: CELCIS
This document provides a snapshot of examples of ‘tests of change’ that have been successfully introduced in some of our local Permanence and…
Adoption Task Force
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Adoption, Permanence | Author: CELCIS
A wide variety of adoption resources based on learning and experience of adoption practitioners.
Relationships Matter - Facilitating conversations at an event: An organiser’s perspective
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Corporate parenting | Author: Gayle Rice, Lizzie Morton
A case study of the use of the Relationships Matter toolkit to facilitate conversations with corporate parents from Scotland’s colleges.
Case study: Dumfries and Galloway Council's work with PACE
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: Dumfries and Galloway Council
Dumfries and Galloway Council aims to make real changes in the prospects of looked after children with better data gathering.
Improving the Transition to Secondary School for looked after children
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Alison Hennessy
An insightful presentation of a local authority project, on how to make the leap to secondary school easier.
Residential Child Care Workers: Practice Learning Exchange
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Kenny McGhee
An account of residential child care staff from three local authorities that shared learning by working in each other's workplace.
Looked after and learning
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Education | Author: CELCIS
A practical resource to help teachers and educators deliver a positive learning experience for every looked after child
Overseen but often overlooked
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Looked after at home, Permanence, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Vicki Welch, Jennifer Lerpiniere, Emma Young, Sue Sadler, John Paul Fitzpatrick
Study exploring the needs, outcomes and service provision for children currently or previously looked after at home.
Kids like Kate need a home
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: East Renfrewshire Council
East Renfrewshire Council listen and learn from local residents to revamp their foster carer campaign.
Ending Violence Against Children: Six Strategies for Action
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Historical abuse | Author: UNICEF
Case studies illustrating how prevention and response strategies can reduce the prevalence and impact of violence against children.
Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked After at Home: Use of 'Improvement Methodology'
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Education, Residential care | Author: Alison Hennessy, Graham Connelly
Edinburgh City Council's experience of using an ‘Improvement Methodology’ to improve educational outcomes for looked after children.
Insights 27:Trauma sensitive practice with children in care
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Disability, Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: Judy Furnivall ,Edwina Grant
Summarises the evidence in this challenging area of work to support practitioners to reflect on their practice in this context. Written by Ju…
Sharing Practice to Improve Outcomes for Care Leavers
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Kenny McGhee, Jennifer Lerpiniere
Evaluation findings from a throughcare and aftercare learning exchange between three local authorities.
SSKS (Social Services Knowledge Scotland) online gateway
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Education, Health and Wellbeing | Author: SSKS
Gateway to wealth of information and learning materials to support practitioners in day-to-day work and in learning.
REACH Snapshots of Permanence - What is happening in Scotland?
Year: 2013 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: CELCIS
The permanence-based activities taking place across Scotland. Find ideas for your practice.
Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the alternative care of children’
Year: 2013 | Topic:
International, Legislation, Residential care | Author: Nigel Cantwell, Jennifer Davidson, Susan Elsley, Ian Milligan & Neil Quinn
Moving Forward provides practical guidance on alternative care provision for children.
Capacity Building in Macedonia
Year: 2012 | Topic:
International | Author: Ian Milligan
Our report on designing and implementing an in-service development programme for social welfare professionals.
#Partycipation - Learn about the Participation Network
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Education, Local authority, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
CELCIS, alongside a wide range of partners, young people, and communities involved in participation, are developing an exciting new project c…
Insights 10: Attachment informed practice with looked after children and young people
Year: 2011 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: IRISS, SAIA, Judy Furnivall
Answers the 'So what does this mean in practice?' question for each topic reviewed.
Reflections and visions: the world through different eyes
Year: 2010 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Residential care, SIRCC, Voices of young people | Author:
A photographic journey through care, as seen through the eyes of young people.
How to use our search?
Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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