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Title Authors Year
Exploring the role of performance indicators in residential child care Russell Sutherland 2007
Playing it safe: practitioner review Natasha Robinson 2007
Participation in residential child care in Germany Bernhard Babic and Liane Pluto 2007
A visit to Lahore Andrew Hosie 2007
Editorial Volume 6.2 Irene Stevens 2007
‘We’re here tae mak a difference’ Jeremy Miller, John, Kimberley, William, Julieann, Fraser and Alexander (The Group) 2007
Residential child care: prospects and challenges, Andrew Kendrick, Editor Irene Stevens 2007
The story of Matthew: an ecological approach to assessment Chris Walter 2007
Hard to know what to do: How residential child care workers experience the mental health needs of young people Judy Furnivall 2007
Teaching lifespace working by using the lifespace in teaching Fiona Feilberg 2007
Young people’s participation in the recruitment and selection process for secure care staff Kirsten McManus 2007
Editorial Volume 6.1 Steven Paterson 2007
An equality perspective on residential child care Niall Hanlon 2007
Residential child care: collaborative practice Charles Sharpe 2007
Families: difficult to speak about? Tarja Pösö 2007
Working in partnership with parents: the Triangular connection Mayaan Burnstein 2006
Editorial volume 5.2 Deirdre Watson 2006
Seeking refuge: findings from an evaluation of the ‘Running – Other Choices’ refuge Margaret Malloch 2006
The 24 / 7 approach to improving outcomes for children affected by chronic trauma and dissociation Richard Cross 2006
Holistic Special Education Camphill Principles and Practice Reviewed by Jeremy Millar 2006
Bilingualism: the two languages of young people in care Kim Snow 2006
The need for national leadership, partnerships and programmes to promote the health and well-being of looked after children in Scotland Steven McCluskey 2006
Professionally packaging your power in the supervisory relationship Frank Delano and Jill Shah 2006
Editorial volume 5.1 Irene Stevens 2006
London Facing Forward : Residential Child Care in the 21st Century Adrian Ward 2006
Securing safer care staff: a model for the assessment, selection and training of staff to work in residential care John Watson, Janice Gould, Gerry Sullivan and Jayne Cockerill 2006
The Homes from Hell? Media Perceptions of Residential Child Care Anne Clackson et al 2006
Improving outcomes for care leavers : evaluating a care leaver’s assessment of need tool Wendy Harrington 2006
The National Care Standards: hearing the voices of young people in residential care Irene Stevens and Pauline Boyce 2006
Residential child care and the psychodynamic approach; is it time to try again? Charles Sharpe 2006
The participation of children and young people in the recruitment of residential child care staff in Scotland Helen Kay and Irene Stevens 2006
Three strong women: from care to university lan Milligan 2005
Two days in Carberry Laura Steckley, Max Smart 2005
Editorial Volume 4.2 Sandy Cameron 2005
Creating a safe place to sleep: an analysis of night care staff interventions to reduce evening and night-time disturbance in a residential care unit Margaret Conlon 2005
Creating stimulating environments for young people in residential care: the Israeli youth village ‘ecological’ model Emmanuel Grupper 2005
Looking after children without parents and encouraging their social integration: a Latvian perspective Inese Jurgena, Zigurds Mikainis 2005
The good goodbye: Helping children through transitions using storytelling Claire McNicol, Ruth Kirkpatrick 2005
Leaving Care: Throughcare and Aftercare in Scotland Jo Dixon, Mike Stein 2005
Saving the Child in Victorian Dundee Crissie Urquhart 2005
Scottish Anti-Poverty Policy and Looked After Young People Peter Kelly 2005
Editorial Volume 4.1 Irene Stevens 2005
'A Different Way to Look at Things': The Development of Consultancy in a Residential Service for Children and Young People Andrew Kendrick 2005
Childhoods: Experiencing an International Conference Irene Stevens and Laura Steckley 2005
The General Health, Social Networks and Lifestyle Behaviours of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Scotland Howard Meltzer and Deborah Lader 2005
Good Enough Care? Looking After Sexually Abused Young People in Residential Settings Autumn Roesch-Marsh 2005
'Nae too bad': Job Satisfaction and Staff Morale in Scottish Residential Child Care Andrew Kendrick, Ian Milligan and Ghizala Avan 2005
Programmes & Praxis: A Review of Taken-for-Granted Knowledge Leon Fulcher 2004
A Qualitative Study of Support for Young People who Self-Harm in Residential Care in Glasgow Judith Piggot, Charlotte Williams, Stephen McLeod, Joanne Barton 2004
Residential Special Schooling: The Inclusive Option! Robin Jackson 2004
Scottish Health Network: Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Children and Young People in and Leaving Care Steven McCluskey, Elaine Greaves and Carole Kean 2001
Creating a Place for Us: An Overview of FICE Young People’s Event Irene Stevens 2004
The Experiences of Children and Young People with Complex Needs Being Cared For Away from Home: A Cross Border Study Kirsten Stalker, Charlotte MacDonald, Rena Phillips, John Carpenter 2004
The Mental Health of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Scotland Howard Meltzer, Deborah Lader 2004
The Looking After Children in Scotland Materials Jane Scott and Malcolm Hill 2004
Let's Face It! Young People Tell Us How It Is Deirdre Watson 2004
Meaning-Making and Intervention in Child and Youth Care Practice Thom Garfat 2004
Editorial Volume 3.1 Jennifer Davidson 2004
Residential Child Care in the Spotlight: Reflections on being Involved in the BBC Series Graham McPheat 2004
An Introduction to Camphill Communities and the BA in Curative Education Norma Hart, Angelika Monteux 2004
Celebrate to Care? Janine Gorman 2004
Early Institutional Provision in Scotland for Disabled Children Iain Hutchison 2004
Forgotten Children Judy Furnivall 2004
Exploring the Perceptions of Young People in Care and Care Leavers of their Health Needs Julie Ridley, Steven McCluskey 2003
Development of a Model of Behaviour Analysis in a Residential Service for Children with Autism Lindsay Barrie, Vivienne Richardson 2003
Promoting the Spiritual Wellbeing of Children and Young People with Special Needs Robin Jackson, Angelika Monteux 2003
Role of a Residential Placement in Preparing Children for Placement with a Foster Family Cliona Murphy 2003
Searching for the Holy Grail – Excellent Staff and Carers who Work with Children Kate Skinner 2003
7th EUSARF International Congess, 2002 Kirstie Maclean 2003
Who Cares? Scotland: 25 Years and Still Moving Forward Deirdre Watson 2003
Value of Resilience as a Concept for Practice in Residential Settings Brigid Daniel 2003
Editorial Volume 2.1 Andrew Kendrick 2003
Two and a Half Cheers for the National Care Standards Kirstie Maclean 2002
Understanding the Resident Group Ruth Emond 2002
What Works in Residential Care: Making it Work Lesley Archer 2002
Editorial Volume 1.1 Andrew Kendrick 2002
Back to the Future: ‘Positive Residential Practice: Learning the Lessons of the 1990s’ and ‘Champions for Children: The Lives of Modern Child Care Pioneers’ Ian Milligan 2002
Catching Children as They Fall: Mental Health Promotion in Residential Child Care in East Dunbartonshire Michael van Beinum, Andy Martin and Chris Bonnett 2002
Looking After Health: A Joint Working Approach to Improving the Health Outcomes of Looked After and Accommodated Children and Young People Anne Grant, John Ennis and Fiona Stuart 2002
Close Enough? Professional Closeness and Safe Caring Andrew Kendrick and Mark Smith 2002
A Children’s Champion for Scotland Susan Elsley 2002
Editorial volume 2.2 Kirstie Maclean 2003
Learning with Care Training Materials Judy Furnivall, Barbara Hudson 2003
Developing Quality Indicators for Learning with Care Graham Connelly 2003
A Commitment to Care: Residential Child Care Work in England Amanda Mainey 2003
Care to Learn? The Educational Experiences of Children and Young People Who Are Looked After Alison Ritchie, Elizabeth Morrison and Steven Paterson 2003
Young People in Residential Care Talk about Peer Violence Christine Barter 2003
Leaving Care in Scotland: The Residential Experience Jo Dixon and Mike Stein 2003
Nurturing Group Work in a Children’s Home Maggie Bell, Helen Fay, Debbie Ramsden and Shirley Morgan 2003
Editorial Graham Connelly 2021
Moving towards organisational resilience: A practical application of the ‘Whole System Approach’ in the secure care sector Kevin Pollock & James Gillespie 2021
A critical analysis of the recent developments in alternative care space across South Asia amidst the Covid-19 crisis Kiran Modi, Gurneet Kalra, Leena Prasad, Rajeshwari Narsimha, Jyoti Singh 2021
An exploration of distance and home when looked after: Views of young people Carrie F Mclaughlan 2021
Life after residential care; A narrative life-course case study Amanda Keller 2021
Developing philosophical discussions with children and young people in residential care homes Terje Jostein Halvorsen 2021
Voices of young women leaving care: “I did not have anywhere to go…so I went with a man” Petra Roberts 2021
A personal reflection: In for the long haul Frank Ainsworth 2021
Reflections on lifespace intervention in social work Kathy Grant 2021
Why engaging on children rights internationally matters at the local level 2021 Days of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and Alternative Care Miriana Giraldi 2021