27 November 2017

New creative resource for kids

A resource that highlights the importance of creativity and artistic expression in the lives of children has been published.

The Care Inspectorate’s ‘Our Creative Journey’ contains a range of examples detailing the benefits of creative activities for children and young people, and encourages professionals to connect with children by experimenting with play.

One of the professionals featured in the resource is BAFTA winning documentary maker Garry Fraser, who credits a film-making course as saving him from a life of drugs and violence.

Having spent his childhood in care institutions, the director overcame addiction and pursued a career in film, and was personally chosen to be part of the main filming crew on the hit sequel Trainspotting 2.

Recently commissioned by Aberlour to create a short film based on the lives of young people in the charity’s residential homes in the Highlands, the filmmaker is certain that being creative can benefit young minds:

“Seeing things through that wee bit of glass turned my life upside down. It altered my perspective.”

Working alongside young people in residential homes to create a short film was a relatable experience for Garry, who believes that creative projects have the potential to make a real impact.

“What’s important is that the kids come away with something of value, whether it’s technical knowledge or a sense of creativity or a new confidence.”

The ‘Our Creative Journey’ resource contains a wide range of creative ideas and real-life examples that show adults how to engage with children in a fun way that encourages curiosity and development.

We’re currently running a creative Christmas card competition for children in care.