Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..

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Happy children

A decade of data

How an analysis of data has enabled Stirling’s services for children develop to better fit their needs.

17 September 2018
Students lying on grass studying

Joining up the dots – why data analysis is vital in understanding and supporting care experienced young people

Dr Neil Harrison argues that we need to use better data to better understand care experienced young people entering higher education.

13 September 2018

Team work works and all relationships matter

Dr Christine Puckering from Mellow Parenting tells the story of a family and how trauma informed care can foster better relationships.

10 September 2018
People uploading data

A care leaver's path to university

Many paths to higher education are not straightforward. A care experienced student talks about overcoming such challenges.

10 September 2018
Two boys in a firld facing away from camera hugging

It’s a family affair

How a Maori model of improving care has been transformative for a family in Glasgow.

03 September 2018
A group of children running to camera

Living in the room for improvement

Claire Burns introduces the evidence into practice theme of the new issue of our REACH publication.

03 September 2018
A poster from a Children's Hearings Scotland advertising campaign entitled: Be a force for good

"Mummy’s Little Punchbag"

Kenny Murray comments on the Children's Hearings Scotland 'Be A Force For Good' campaign.

16 August 2018
A mother holding a baby who is eating an apple

If I wasn't emotionally involved, they wouldn't have thrived

Gordon Main continues the conversation on commitment, discussing the emotional investment of foster carers.

02 August 2018
A toddler looking through a train window

Getting It Right For Every… Journey

Jillian Ingram ponders how getting a train from A to B might just offer clues to how to meet children’s needs.

20 July 2018
Two sad looking teens

Commitment must be matched by deeds, not just words

Kenny McGhee continues the conversation from Gordon Main’s recent blog Commitment, like love, is not enough.

20 June 2018