Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
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Can theory be an ally in efforts to reduce physical restraint?
Erica Barr is a House Leader with South Ayrshire Council. Here she discusses the need to link theory with practice to improve our understanding of children and…

Unintended consequences: Restraint and criminalisation of looked after children
The criminisation of children in residential care. We need to be careful when changing practice as there can be unintended consequences.

Should our young people be experiencing physical restraint at any level?
David Grimm asks if physical restraint should be used at all in residential child care, using his own experience of care to discuss the ability to adapt to the…

Why it is the right time to equally protect children
Louise Hill talks about the impact of the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) Bill in Scotland.

Physical Restraint in Residential Child Care: A Watershed Moment?
Laura Steckley explains how people are coming together to consider how to apply what we know about both experience and theory to address the practice of…

We need to talk about physical restraint
Joanne McMeeking heads up the Improving Care Experiences team at CELCIS. Here she explains why we need to put physical restraint in residential child care under…

The right way forward: how best to incorporate the UNCRC for Scotland’s children
Incorporation of the UNCRC is an important piece of a jigsaw puzzle, but on its own it is not enough. Lizzie Morton explains the thinking behind the CELCIS…

An Ayrshire school where care experienced young people’s views are taken seriously
South Ayrshire CHAMPS Board is working in partnership with Belmont Academy in Ayr to bring care experienced young people together and support and encourage…

How can it be that ‘being a student with care experience is very daunting’ and ‘…..supportive, inclusive, diverse and fun… a joy actually’?
Why is there such a dichotomy in these two direct accounts from students with care experience? What makes the experience daunting? What makes it a joy?

Are care leavers really more likely to go to prison than university?
This blog post by Dr Neil Harrison was first published on the ExChange Wales website on 14 August 2019. ExChange is an all-Wales network that brings together…