Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

CELCIS's commitment to keeping The Promise
10 March 2021
Today (10 March 2021) CELCIS has published details of the commitment and offer we continue to make to advance the changes and im…
New online campaign to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) in Scotland
08 March 2021
The Scottish Government, Police Scotland and Child Protection Committees (CPC) Scotland have launched the CSEthe Signs initiativ…

Digital connection and inclusion should be a basic right for care leavers
28 January 2021
CELCIS has published new research showing the impact of digital inclusion and exclusion on care leavers in Scotland during the C…

New report reveals impact of COVID-19 on babies
19 January 2021
A new report launched today (19 January) has revealed how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting a generation of babies and has call…

Review of children’s social care launched in England
18 January 2021
The UK Government has launched a wholesale independent review of children’s social care in England