Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

Call to close the digital divide for care leavers
22 July 2020
New rapid research published today (22 July) by CELCIS, has revealed that COVID-19 has further deepened the impact of digital ex…
New investment in family support announced by the Scottish Government
21 July 2020
£4m to fund early intervention and family support has been announced (16 July) in a Ministerial Statement by the Deputy First Mi…

Independent Children’s Rights Impact Assessment on the response to COVID-19 in Scotland warns of children’s human rights emergency
16 July 2020
The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland has today (16 July) published an independent Impact Assessment on how emer…

CELCIS joins calls for Care Experienced Bursary extension
09 July 2020
Scotland’s leading care-experience organisations have written to the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Scienc…

Independent Care Review: sharing evidence and taking The Promise forward
25 June 2020
On 24 June, the Independent Care Review (ICR) published an evidence framework, comprising of research and evidence collated and …