Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

Final reports and recommendations published by Scotland’s National Confidential Forum
07 June 2021
The National Confidential Forum has published its final reports, Shining a Light on Care, which includes recommendations for pol…

New resources available to help reframe care and care experience
18 May 2021
A new initiative – Each and Every Child - which aims to transform the current public narrative and perceptions around care and c…

Voice and Inclusion Project
11 May 2021
The Voice and Inclusion Project (VIP) has been set up for children and young people with care experience to come together to wor…

New resources for schools, colleges and practitioners supporting traumatically bereaved children and young people
05 May 2021
The UK Trauma Council (UKTC) and three child bereavement charities have launched new resources for those supporting children and…

Views sought to inform new guidance to support the rights of brothers and sisters with care experience in Scotland
09 April 2021
CELCIS has begun to gather views to inform the writing of a National Practice Guidance to accompany new legislative changes intr…