Our news helps everyone working with and for children in need of care and protection, their families and carers, and with care leavers, to keep up to speed with what's going on in the sector, here in Scotland, and further afield.

Proposals to widen university access
14 March 2016
The ‘Blueprint for Fairness’ aims to make sure a student’s background is not a barrier to going to university.

Timescales for new qualification announced
25 February 2016
Timescales for the roll out of the level 9 qualification for residential child care workers.

New programme of action for child protection
25 February 2016
Scottish Government announces new programme of work for child protection and additional funding for CELCIS to extend its improve…

Youth & criminal justice in Scotland: the young person’s journey
25 February 2016
A new, interactive online resource that aims to simplify how the youth and criminal justice system works for under 18s in Scotla…

Implications of the Immigration Bill 2015-2016
21 January 2016
The Immigration Bill 2015-16 has major implications for access to post-school education and the provision of leaving care suppor…