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- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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We have found 33 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.

Physical Restraint in Residential Child Care: A Watershed Moment?
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Active implementation, Residential care | Author: Dr Laura Steckley
Laura Steckley explains how people are coming together to consider how to apply what we know about both experience and theory to address the …

Should our young people be experiencing physical restraint at any level?
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: David Grimm
David Grimm asks if physical restraint should be used at all in residential child care, using his own experience of care to discuss the abil…

‘Why didn’t you f*cking restrain me’: when physical restraint can meet a child’s need
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: John Radoux
John Radoux, a child and adolescent counsellor who grew up in care and works in children's homes discusses why we need to reevaluate attitude…

We need to talk about physical restraint
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Joanne McMeeking
Joanne McMeeking heads up the Improving Care Experiences team at CELCIS. Here she explains why we need to put physical restraint in residenti…

Unintended consequences: Restraint and criminalisation of looked after children
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Debbie Nolan
The criminisation of children in residential care. We need to be careful when changing practice as there can be unintended consequences.

Can theory be an ally in efforts to reduce physical restraint?
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Erica Barr
Erica Barr is a House Leader with South Ayrshire Council. Here she discusses the need to link theory with practice to improve our understandi…

Taking action to improve the collection of statistics about disabled children in Scotland
Year: 2024 | Topic:
Disability | Author: Dr Alex McTier
In this blog post, Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, explains what’s behind a new project to help better understa…

The cost of the implementation gap for young people
Year: 2021 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people, Financial Insecurity | Author: Megan Sutherland
Megan Sutherland is Vice Chair of Who Cares? Scotland. She recently moved home and found it wasn’t easy to register as exempt from paying Cou…

My journey from care leaver to author
Year: 2021 | Topic:
Voices of young people | Author: Kirsty Capes
On World Book Day UK, Kirsty Capes, author of the upcoming novel, ‘Careless’, and marketer at HarperCollins, discusses how her childhood expe…

Ensuring there is choice in financial help
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing | Author: Mhairi Reid
For Challenge Poverty Week 2020, this blog post from Mhairi Reid on behalf of the Life Changes Trust and their Advisory Group, takes a look a…

SIRCC 2020 Online | Reflections on COVID-19
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Residential care, SIRCC | Author: CELCIS
We've pulled together examples from across the CELCIS website of the extraordinary ordinary in residential child care during the public healt…

COVID-19 – An opportunity to connect with time
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: Elaine Hamilton
Elaine Hamilton, Service Manager at Nether Johnstone House describes how lockdown due to the current emergency health crisis has changed the …

COVID 19: When adapting our work, we all learn from listening to children and young people
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Children's hearings system, Voices of young people | Author: Jacqui Dunbar
Jacqui Dunbar is the Project Lead at Our Hearings, Our Voice, an independent board for children and young people who have experience of the C…

Considered but timely decision making is vital for children
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Adoption | Author: Stephen Small
Stephen Small explains how the voluntary adoption and fostering agency has worked with West Lothian Council to deliver a concurrent planning …

Turning conversation into action
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Health and Wellbeing, Residential care | Author: Joanne McMeeking
It is with our gratitude to each and every contributor to the series and the subsequent discussions that we draw this to a close here, but th…

2019 - a year of real opportunity in residential child care
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: John Ryan
John Ryan, Assistant Director, Aberlour, reflects on what this new conversation about the use of restraint means for those working in residen…

Professional training is essential to provide the best support for our young people
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Joe Gibb
We know there are many things that need to change in residential child care in Scotland, and as a service manager, our team has been looking …

There's no place for physical restraint in residential child care
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Residential care | Author: Alex Horne
There’s no place for physical restraint in residential child care in the 21st century – there, I’ve said it, put it out there! I advocate for…

Why it is the right time to equally protect children
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Louise Hill
Louise Hill talks about the impact of the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) Bill in Scotland.

Child migrants around the world are being denied their human rights
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, International | Author: Chrissie Gale, Jennifer Davidson, Nigel Cantwell
Vast numbers of children and families are on the move around the world. There are now 30m children displaced by conflict, the highest since W…

PACE is changing
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Permanence | Author: Carol Wassell
Carol Wassell, Permanence and Care Excellence programme lead at CELCIS, provides an update on a programme of work which is making lasting and…

Unconscious bias in the interview room
Year: 2018 | Topic:
REACH, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Joe Rankin
Joe Rankin of the Nevis Group talks about whether young people should tell future employers that they're care experienced. With video of Jame…

I couldn't bring myself to write the acronym 'LAC'
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Graham Connelly
Continuing the theme of Graham's first blog post on language and labelling, giving examples of when this is unhelpful.

The mistrusting brain and blocked care
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Foster care, Siblings, Brothers and sisters | Author: Edwina Grant
Evidence suggests that DDP (attachment-focused family therapy) is effective in helping recovery from developmental trauma. Here's how.

A care leaver's path to university
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Education, Health and Wellbeing, Residential care, Voices of young people | Author: Derek
Many paths to higher education are not straightforward. A care experienced student talks about overcoming such challenges.

Infants may not be able to speak but their voice is important
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Child protection, Health and Wellbeing, Neglect, Permanence, Voices of young people | Author: Linda Davidson
Linda Davidson discusses every child's need for sensitive and responsive care.

Let’s stop referring to children by acronyms
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Education | Author: Graham Connelly
Dr Graham Connelly discusses the use of acronyms when talking about looked after children and children in care.

Has the term additional support needs simply become another way of saying special educational needs?
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Education | Author: Dr Lio Moscardini
The differences between additional support needs and special education needs and how we need to be careful when using the terms.

Care leavers don't get sanctioned in Falkirk thanks to Moneywise
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Local authority, Throughcare and aftercare, Financial Insecurity | Author: Norma Brown
Norma Brown of Falkirk Council describes their Moneywise project and the difference it's making to the lives of care leavers in the area.

A Passion for Permanence
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Kinship care, Permanence, Voices of young people | Author: Aileen Nicol
Why permanence matters for looked after children, and why we must share our passion to improve.

Latest stats on children in care prompts some interesting questions
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Education, Local authority, Looked after at home | Author: Ben Farrugia
Ben Farrugia raises some interesting questions. Some of these stats don't ring true. Why?

A long journey to justice
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, Emotional abuse, Historical abuse, Local authority, Physical abuse, Residential care, Sexual abuse | Author: Moyra Hawthorn
A blog by Moyra Hawthorn detailing a decade striving for justice.

Complexity and integration?
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Vicki Welch
Vicki Welch blogs on the good and bad of integrating services.
How to use our search?
Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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