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- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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We have found 24 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.

CELCIS’s response to the National Care Service Consultation
Year: 2021 | Topic:
Active implementation, Adoption, Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Disability, Domestic abuse, Education, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Neglect, Parental alcohol and/or drug use, Parental mental health, Permanence, Residential care, Secure care, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people, COVID | Author: CELCIS
Proposals for a National Care Service in Scotland were published for consultation by the Scottish Government in August 2021.
CELCIS’s respons…

CELCIS's commitment to keeping The Promise
Year: 2021 | Topic:
Active implementation, Adoption, Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Disability, Domestic abuse, Education, Emotional abuse, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children, Female Genital Mutilation, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Historical abuse, International, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Neglect, Online safety, Parental alcohol and/or drug use, Parental mental health, Permanence, Physical abuse, Residential care, Secure care, Sexual abuse, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
Learn more about CELCIS’s response and our offer to work in collaboration with The Promise and those working to support children, young peopl…

Sexual exploitation of children involved in the Children’s Hearings System
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration and Barnardo’s Scotland
A research report on the sexual exploitation of children involved in the Children’s Hearings System by the Scottish Children’s Reporter Admin…

Raising the age of referral to the Children’s Reporter – CELCIS Consultation Response
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Emotional abuse, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Neglect, Parental alcohol and/or drug use, Parental mental health, Physical abuse, Secure care, Sexual abuse, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Paul Sullivan, Kate MacKinnon, Rosie Moore, Elaine Adams
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government Care and Justice consultation on raising the age of referral to the Children’s Reporter to 18…

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) Core Components Checklist for Child Protection Committees
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Developed by the CSE Data Indicators Sub-Group of the National Child Sexual Exploitation Group
Core Component Checklist to support Child Protection Committees with their response to Child Sexual Exploitation by considering whether the “…

Survey of Child Protection Committees (2019)
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Developed by the CSE Data Indicators Sub-Group1 of the National Child Sexual Exploitation Group
This survey follows the first, baseline survey of Scotland’s Child Protection Committees completed in summer 2016. Developed by the CSE Data …

Evaluation of National Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Trafficking Workshops
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking | Author: Moira McKinnon
Evaluation report of workshops delivered to Child Protection Committees Scotland to share key learning in relation to local area approaches t…

Child Protection Committees’ Processes and Practices in Relation to Child Sexual Exploitation
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Alex McTier
Report on research CELCIS carried out as part of Scotland’s second national Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) action plan. Scotland’s Child Pro…

Child migrants around the world are being denied their human rights
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, International | Author: Chrissie Gale, Jennifer Davidson, Nigel Cantwell
Vast numbers of children and families are on the move around the world. There are now 30m children displaced by conflict, the highest since W…

‘Children have a right to education – regardless of immigration status’
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Education, International | Author: Jennifer Davidson, Chrissie Gale
This article was first published by TES on the support teachers can offer unaccompanied and separated children.

Child Sexual Exploitation Definition and Practitioner Briefing Paper
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
This paper outlines the new national definition of child sexual exploitation (CSE) for Scotland and some key contextual considerations.

Child sexual exploitation: definition and summary
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
Definition of child sexual exploitation for Scotland, and summary of how the definition should be applied.

An Evaluation of Stop to Listen
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Local authority, Sexual abuse | Author: Ruth Sills
This report details the journey of Stop to Listen from planning to implementation and evaluation. It will focus on the changes the pathfinder…

The mistrusting brain and blocked care
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Foster care, Siblings, Brothers and sisters | Author: Edwina Grant
Evidence suggests that DDP (attachment-focused family therapy) is effective in helping recovery from developmental trauma. Here's how.

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome - published 1983
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Roland C. Summit, M.D.
This study draws in part from statistically validated assumptions regarding prevalence, age relationships and role characteristics of child s…

Protecting children from harm
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Children’s Commissioner for England
A critical assessment of child sexual abuse in the family network in England and priorities for action.

The Traumatic Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: A Conceptualization - published 1985
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: David Finkelhor, Ph.D., and Angela Browne, Ph.D.
A framework is proposed for a more systematic understanding of the effects of child sexual abuse.

Keeping Children Safe - Information disclosure about child sexual offenders
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: NSPCC
Community disclosure is now running in your area. This will provide a formal route for the public to directly raise child protection concerns…

Emotional neglect and emotional abuse in pre-school children
Year: 2012 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet on what is known about children aged less than six years who have been emotionally neglected or emotionally abused.

Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers aged 13-18
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet summary of the scientific literature that describes what teenagers aged 13-18 who are experiencing neglect or emotional abuse say abo…

Preventing and responding to child sexual exploitation: evidence from inspections of care services for children and young people
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Care Inspectorate
The findings in this report arose from a focused programme of scrutiny to see whether the foundations are in place to support care services t…

National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation Progress Report 2017/18
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
The National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation was initially published in 2014 and updated in March 2016. This is a…

National Child Sexual Exploitation Workshops Evaluation Report
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
The aim of the workshops were to provide an opportunity for child protection committees to share key learning in relation to local area appro…

Nightwatch CSE materials
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Barnardo's
These postcards and posters have been developed to support night-time economy staff with their role in preventing Child sexual exploitation.
How to use our search?
Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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